Katerina's Kitchen: Greek Egg Salad

This delicious and healthy meal option is one of our family favorites, and it’s become a popular dish with our friends, too! With good protein and healthy fats, this meal is easy to make and inexpensive.


You will need:

  • 2-3 hardboiled eggs, peeled and sliced

  • Olive Oil

  • Fresh squeezed lemon juice (About 1/2 lemon)

  • Feta Cheese (pre-crumbled or a fresh block)

  • Oregano

  • Thyme

  • Salt + Pepper


In a bowl, combine about 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil and the juice from about 1/2 lemon — this creates the “dressing” for your eggs. Mix well and taste to make sure the balance is to your liking. Too tart from the lemon? Add a bit more oil. Too bland? Add a squeeze more of juice. A light coating for the eggs is more than enough!

Next, add your sliced hard boiled eggs. You can also add in the seasonings to your liking — we prefer oregano, thyme and a dash of salt and pepper. You don’t need to use too much salt, since we’re using feta cheese. Sprinkle in the cheese to your liking, as well, using either pre-crumbled feta or breaking pieces off of a fresh block.

Give the salad a light toss to coat with the dressing.

This is a great option for those following a ketogenic diet!

To add in some carbohydrates, this dish is delicious with a piece of whole wheat bread (my favorite way is to toast it!)

Easy, simple, delicious and healthy!

Kali orexi!